Central Market Brings Mikuna to Texas Shoppers
You know what's big in Texas? Mikuna!
We're excited to announce that Mikuna is now available at all ten Central Market locations across Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Plano and San Antonio.
Our expansion into new territories reflects the demand of consumers seeking clean, plant-based food sources. With great pride in our Ecuadorian roots, we're honored to have a partner that strives to bring global offerings to its customers. Known for high quality foods from around the world, Central Market is the perfect retailer to introduce Mikuna Chocho Superfood Protein to Texans.
Central Market's passion for food is seen not only in their extensive range of offerings (acres of fresh produce and an 80-foot seafood case, just to give you an idea), but also in the number of experts you'll find within their stores, from knowledgeable team members answering questions in the aisles to classically trained chefs who teach at their world-class cooking school. Sharing in our Mikuna values, Central Market and its many loyal shoppers care about what they consume and how it's sourced, and from nutrition to the culinary arts, they exercise their love of learning.
Whether you live in Texas or are visiting, you can expect a vibrant and eclectic experience in Central Market's open, European-style layout. Within each department, you'll find a multitude of options, and the Healthy Living Department is no exception. In the plant-based section alone, there's a wide array of protein supplements, but Mikuna stands out as the only protein on the shelf containing just one ingredient while also being soy-free, stevia-free, lectin-free and gluten-free, not to mention tasting delicious.
Hey, if you thought the Southwest was only about barbeque, well, y'all better re-think it!
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